Welcome! This blog is a companion to my website, and allows me to provide my clients with a sneak peek of some of their portraits. You can also become a fan of my Facebook Page, and you will be able to view your preview portraits there as well!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Portraits Make the PERFECT Gift

We are now in the midst of the busy season of Christmas shopping - crowded shopping malls, long lines, and busy streets.  Wouldn't you like to be able to avoid all of that while still getting the perfect gift - one that is personal and sure to please even the pickiest parent?  I have a solution for you . . . there is still time to schedule your portrait session and receive your portraits before Christmas! But don't delay - you do not want to miss the wonderful smiles that will accompany the perfect gift!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Kleinhenz Family

I know what you are thinking . . . what is the secret to being blessed with four beautiful, intelligent daughters? Well, I don't know (I only have one), but if you ask the pastors of Living Hope Church here in Baytown, they might share their secret!

Savanah & Elijah

This little man is simply adorable at 2 months old.  I just love taking pictures of babies, and he certainly didn't help curb my addiction! And did I mention that his mom is beautiful too? My only complaint is that we got too many good pictures!

Jasiyah and Family

This little guy was sweet enough to let me capture his beautiful smile, and he even let the rest of the family help! He was on the move, and we had lots of fun trying to catch him on camera.

The Sullivan Family

This is another terrific family that I photographed last weekend. How lucky am I?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Morales Family

I had a really hard time taking photos of these two kiddos . . . because they kept me laughing the entire time. Now, that's the kind of session you can do over and over again!

The Hyde Family


I have known this wonderful family for several years, and they have been a terrific encouragement to our family as fellow homeschoolers.  I feel very blessed to have spent time taking their portraits!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Ware Guys

These guys were such a hoot to work with! We had a good time getting some terrific shots of these young men.

The Nieves Family

This beautiful family pastors a Spanish church here in town. They are incredible, and we had fun working together even though there was a language barrier. I suppose I really need to dust off those three years of high school Spanish!

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Norberto Family

This mother and her three boys were such a joy to work with.  They are really such a sweet family!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Ramirez Family

This was one of the wonderful families that I was able to photograph last weekend.  Unfortunately, this week I've been under the weather so editing has been slower than usual.  I'm so thankful for patient clients!

Friday, November 12, 2010


I just had to share this one! These sisters are too sweet. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Clingans


I just love this family.  They are some of my favorite people, and I feel so blessed to know them. I feel even more blessed to be able to share their beautiful faces here!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Morales Kids

These kids were so easy to work with.  They were game for anything, which always makes for a fun session! I think we came away with some really great shots, and I can't wait to get the rest of them edited!!